(540) 645-6310; (540) 645-6304 (FAX)
Welcome to the Rappahannock Area ASAP in Fredericksburg, VA
Please feel free to leave us a google review at https://g.page/r/CS_Zcxs_zlBpEBM/review
(540) 645-6310; (540) 645-6304 (FAX)
Please feel free to leave us a google review at https://g.page/r/CS_Zcxs_zlBpEBM/review
We have absorbed the Alexandria ASAP cases effective 07/01/2024. Angelina Bragg (abragg@raasap.com) is the primary case manager for the Alexandria caseload. Abby Cook (acook@raasap.com) is the backup case manager.
Our office is located at 5444 Patriot Highway, Suite 100, Fredericksburg, VA 22407. Our fax number is 540-645-6304. The phone number for Alexandria clients to call is 703-215-6467. We cannot respond to texts on that number so you must call and leave a message to get a returned call.
We plan to be at the Alexandria General District Court building on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM. During this time, we will conduct enrollments/intakes, sign restricted license paperwork, and answer any questions clients might have. Additionally, clients are more than welcome to come to our office in Fredericksburg at any time if they need to.
Effective 07/01/23, you will need to visit the user portal to complete your profile (you do not need to create one) and make payments online. To access your client portal, you will need to click on the following link or scan the QR code. Your username will either be your phone number or your email. The default username for RAASAP clients is normally the phone number you provided to the court at the time of your conviction. If that does not work, it is the email address you provided to our office. Please enter your username and click "forgot password" to enter a new password if you have not yet set up your portal.
If you already have an account, do not create a new account.
RAASAP has joined a number of Virginia ASAPs that are offering an ONLINE Driver Improvement Program through the National Safety Council (NSC).
To enroll, click here and select "Rappahannock Area ASAP" in the Clinic List dropdown menu
1. You will get one opportunity to conduct your intake by phone. If you do not answer at the scheduled time, you will be required to come into the office to complete your intake.
2. You are to be available for your phone intake in a quiet setting free of distractions. If the phone intake case manager cannot hear you due to background noise such as children, machinery, or other distractions, the case manager will stop the intake and require you to complete your intake in person.
3. If you fail to provide a working phone number to reach you, your intake will not be rescheduled and your case will be returned to court.
4. Effective June 1, 2022, in-person intakes will resume for local clients. Only out of state clients will conduct their intake by phone.
To be determined
5444 Patriot Highway
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
We accept:
Debit/Credit ($2.00 fee applies)
Cashier's Check
Money Orders
Click the image above to go to our ONLINE FORMS AND APPLICATIONS section for service applications, habitual offender restoration packets, and applications for Intervention Interview, Driver Improvement, and Reckless Aggressive Driving. Forms for background check consent forms are also in this section.
Office Hours:
EFFECTIVE 02/26/2024
MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Many questions can be answered by visiting the Commission On VASAP (COV) website.
First time participating in VASAP? Here is a great orientation video for the program:
The Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (VASAP) provides probation and intervention services for the Commonwealth’s courts through its 21 ASAPs located throughout Virginia.
Our mission is to improve highway safety by decreasing the incidence of driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs, leading to the reduction of alcohol and drug related fatalities and crashes.
VASAP is a non-profit organization that works directly with the courts and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles to provide intervention services for those who are charged or convicted of a driving under the influence (DUI), alcohol or drug misdemeanor offense in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The VASAP system is user funded; fees are charged for each of the services used. In cases of financial difficulties a plan for payments will be extended for probation services.
Completing ASAP is mandatory for all DUI convictions under Virginia State Code 18.2-271.1. Referral for entry into ASAP is court ordered after an individual has been convicted of a DUI. ASAP referral allows the client to lead a normal life while fulfilling the terms of probation, which are closely monitored by a case manager. Enrollment prior to trial can be elected by an individual charged with DUI.
The ASAP program is a very beneficial resource for the client, community and court. For many clients, this may be the first time that their substance abuse problem has been addressed. Rappahannock Area ASAP continues to strive to assist clients to be successful in the program as well as help to give them the skills and resources to cope with their substance abuse and prevent recidivism in the future.
Looking to satisfy VASAP after probation? Need an Intervention Interview or Ignition Interlock? Are you a 3rd or Habitual Offender seeking license Restoration?
Information about how to pre-enroll in VASAP prior to conviction, as well as Court-ordered DUI Court and Ignition Interlock.
Are you a Virginia driver with a DUI charge in another state or on Federal property? Are you from another state and convicted of DUI in Virginia?
Find out when RAASAP is hosting training sessions for these training programs.
Enrollment costs for alcohol- or drug-related driving convictions, past and present
Covers the cost of case management and monitoring until completion
Covers the cost of the education course component
Program offerings at this VASAP office
Entry into VASAP program before conviction.
Interview, evaluation, and report for those petitioning the court for license restoration (does not include drug and alcohol screen fees)
Monitoring and verification of completion for Ignition Interlock requirements through DMV
Other fees associated with VASAP services
Assessed when necessary to re-enter VASAP for a recent enrollment in order to complete
Assessed when check or other payment is returned for Non-Sufficient Funds
Assessed for monitoring or supervision after first year of probation for applicable cases
Assessed for each alcohol urine screen or requested re-test
Assessed for each drug urine screen or requested re-test
Assessed when necessary to make up a missed class for an excused absence
Assessed when RAASAP not notified at least 24 hours in advance
Assessed when ordered back after removal from VASAP
Assessed when necessary to re-enroll into a VASAP education course
The Rappahannock Area Alcohol Safety Action Program (RAASAP) services the following jurisdictions: Alexandria, Fredericksburg City, the counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Stafford. The Court may order VASAP supervision for the following offenses DUI, alcohol related reckless driving, probation before judgment, driving after consumption, misdemeanor drug offenses, alcohol related domestic relations convictions, alcohol possession, pre-trial assessment and probation and habitual/DUI 3rd offenders restored to restricted driving privilege.
Each offender referred to the Rappahannock Area ASAP for supervision is assessed, placed into an intervention program specific to their level of substance abuse and monitored throughout participation. If at anytime during the assigned probation monitoring an offender experiences problems with alcohol/drug abuse, reassessment and intervention for the problem is initiated for appropriate services. Completing ASAP is mandatory for all DUI offenses under Virginia State Code 18.2-271.1. Referral for entry into ASAP is court ordered after an individual has been convicted of a DUI. ASAP referral allows the client to lead a normal life while fulfilling the terms of probation, which are closely monitored by a case manager.
Court Orders from other RAASAP jurisdictions : When clients are court ordered to ASAP they may call the Rappahannock Area ASAP office to schedule an intake appointment. The local courts in the RAASAP jurisdiction either fax or mail the order to the RAASAP Office so when you call for your enrollment appointment the staff will be able to access your information to assist you.
The receptionist will schedule an intake appointment for you during your call to the office. Intake appointments are held weekday mornings between 8AM and 10AM. You may download and fill out “Court ordered intake” paperwork to expedite your enrollment process. The Rappahannock Area ASAP does not deny probation service due to lack of payment. It is important to understand that lack of payment is not a valid reason to avoid enrollment.
If you have been convicted in a Virginia court outside of the RAASAP jurisdiction and you live or work in the jurisdictions of the RAASAP office, you must contact the local ASAP to request a transfer to the Rappahannock Area ASAP. After receiving the transfer you may call the Rappahannock Area ASAP office to schedule an intake appointment.
If you have been restored to restricted driving privilege from a revocation as a DUI 3rd offender from a court in the RAASAP jurisdiction you may call the RAASAP office for an intake appointment.
What do I do if I am convicted in a local RAASAP court but live somewhere else in Virginia?
Call the Rappahannock Area ASAP office at 540-645-6310 to arrange to a transfer to the local VASAP in your county of residence in Virginia.
What do I do if I am convicted in a RAASAP-area court but live in another state?
DUI Code in the Commonwealth of Virginia requires successful completion of VASAP for full licensing to be restored after the DUI revocation period. Call the Rappahannock ASAP office to discuss how supervision is handled for an out of state resident at 540-645-6310. If you have time in Virginia before returning to your state of residence, you may come to the RAASAP office after conviction to complete intake.
The court has issued me a Restricted Operators License (ROL) that requires ignition interlock. Can I legally drive my vehicle?
No! You are not legal to drive your vehicle until you have installed ignition interlock (coordinated by the RAASAP office) and have had your ROL signed and embossed by an authorized RAASAP employee. Until that time, you are at risk of citation or arrest for unlawfully driving/operating a motor vehicle.
Am I allowed to drive after being convicted of DUI?
No! Upon conviction your driving privileges are suspended or revoked until you complete VASAP and other DMV requirements. If you are caught driving to RAASAP without a valid ROL, law enforcement will be notified immediately.
If you have contacted the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles and have been told that you have requirements to complete at a local VASAP office, it is important to find out exactly what service that you are in need of. The Virginia DMV provides a compliance summary which lists everything you must complete to be a fully licensed driver. Having the printed compliance summary is very helpful for you to identify exact service requirements and how to fulfill each. Some of the statutory requirements that may apply to your circumstances may include the related topics below.
If your DMV compliance summary says:
Complete the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (VASAP). The VASAP office will notify DMV when you have completed this program.
Virginia law requires anyone convicted of a DUI 1st or 2nd must successfully complete the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (VASAP) for each conviction.
You may apply for enrollment by coming to the office on Monday mornings at 8:30 AM with a recent VA DMV compliance summary (dated within the past 30 days). All past court hearing(s) for non-compliance must be completed. All past VASAP fees owed at any local VASAP office in the state must be paid in full. Administrative cases are not offered a payment plan and all fees must be paid up front.
The Rappahannock Area ASAP provides the Intervention Interview, which is required by Virginia code 46.2-301. The Virginia DMV identifies when a driver incurs two Driving on Suspended convictions for failure to pay fines on their driving record within a ten year period of time. In turn the driver is notified by a letter from DMV that they are required to complete an Intervention Interview at a local certified VASAP office. The intervention educates the offender about the consequences of further charges and how to address the behaviors that have resulted in the offenses.
The Interview is available in person at the Rappahannock Area ASAP office. Advance registration is required. The interviews are booked on a first come first served basis. To enroll bring a $30 money order and a DMV Compliance Summary printed within the past 30 days to the Rappahannock Area ASAP office at 5444 Patriot Highway, Suite 100, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22407.
If your DMV compliance summary says:
Have Ignition Interlock system installed on all vehicles owned, co-owned or leased by you. This includes any vehicles(s) not owned by you but driven by you for work/business purposes. VASAP will automatically notify DMV when the system(s) have been installed.
What is an ignition interlock? An ignition interlock is a device that is installed in a motor vehicle to prevent alcohol-impaired individuals from driving. Before starting the vehicle, you will be required to blow into the ignition interlock’s mouthpiece to provide a breath sample for analysis. If your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is above the pre-set limit (0.02), the vehicle will not start. Once the vehicle is started, you may be required to submit additional breath samples at random times while the engine is running. Failing, or not submitting a breath sample for one of the “rolling retests” will cause your vehicle headlights, parking lights, or emergency lights to flash and your horn to sound. The ignition interlock contains a datalogger that records all vehicle activity, test results, and violations.
Why must I have an ignition interlock? The code of Virginia 18.2-270.1, states that an offender convicted of driving under the influence in Virginia shall be required to have an ignition interlock device installed on his/her car as a condition of a restricted license or license restoration.
How long will the ignition interlock be on my vehicle?
Court-Ordered cases: If you were granted a Restricted Operator's License (ROL) and you agreed to drive only where granted permission to drive, you will have interlock in your vehicle for a minimum of six consecutive months without violation. If you were granted an ROL and you opted to drive unrestricted for twelve months, you will have interlock in your vehicle for a minimum of twelve consecutive months without violation. Once the 12-month option is selected it cannot be reversed or reduced per Virginia Code 18.2-270.1.C.
Administrative cases: For interlock requirements in effect prior to 07/01/2021, the device must be installed for a minimum of six consecutive months without violation. For administrative interlock requirements in effect after 07/01/2021, the minimum time would be either 6 or 12 months without violation in accordance with the option chosen when issued an ROL as described above under court-ordered cases. If no ROL was issued while court ordered, the minimum time would be six consecutive months without violation.
While participating in ignition interlock monitoring, you must have no alcohol-related interlock violations. Verified violations will result in the minimum time required being restarted from the date of offense.
What if I own more than one vehicle? Current Virginia law requires that, for a first driving under the influence conviction, an ignition interlock shall be installed on any motor vehicle operated by the offender. If convicted of a 2nd or subsequent driving under the influence conviction, an ignition interlock shall be installed on all motor vehicles owned by or registered to the offender, in whole or in part.
How do I get the ignition interlock installed? When you report to the local ASAP office, you will be given a list of ignition interlock vendors. You will be responsible for choosing a vendor within 48 hours after receiving the list. Once you have selected a vendor, you should notify the ASAP office. Your ASAP case manager will send a referral form to the vendor authorizing the installation of your ignition interlock device. You will be responsible for calling the vendor to schedule the installation appointment.
How do I schedule an installation appointment? Any person who enters into the Alcohol Safety Action Program, prior to trial, may pre-qualify with the program to have an ignition interlock system installed on any motor vehicle owned or operated by him/her. You must contact the ASAP program in the jurisdiction of your offense to enroll and pay the ASAP fee. The ASAP will make arrangements to pre-qualify you for ignition interlock. However, no installation can occur until a court issues to the person a restricted license with the ignition interlock restriction. You may select one of the five authorized service providers:
Drager/Roadguard (800) 332-6858
LifeSafer (855) 527-1597
Smart Start (800) 831-3299
How do I operate the ignition interlock? When you report for your installation appointment, the vendor will provide you with detailed instructions and training regarding the proper operation and care of the ignition interlock device.
What do I need to bring to the installation appointment? You should bring a valid picture identification and the vehicle registration card. If you are having the interlock installed on someone else’s vehicle, you will need for the owner to either come with you to the installation appointment or provide a notarized statement authorizing installation of the device. If other family members will be driving the vehicle, they should come with you to the appointment for training.
How often do I have to report to the vendor’s service center? After the initial installation of the ignition interlock, you will be required to report to the vendor’s service center at least every 30 days. During these visits, the vendor will download all data from the datalogger and calibrate the device. You are responsible for making these monthly monitoring appointments with the vendor.
How much does the ignition interlock cost? Installation and monthly calibration costs vary by vendor and you are encouraged to compare prices and devices. You may also purchase optional insurance to cover damage or theft of the unit. There is no charge for device removal.
What happens if I miss my monitoring appointment? State law requires that your ignition interlock be serviced at least every 30 days. If you miss an appointment, you will be charged a rescheduling fee. Also, if you miss an appointment and delay too long, you may be “locked out” by the device, possibly requiring that your vehicle be towed into the service center at your expense.
What are the penalties for not complying with the ignition interlock program? Your ASAP case manager and the ignition interlock vendor will review the conditions of your probation and the terms of the interlock program. You will be required to sign a participation agreement. Violations include positive BACs on breath tests, failing to submit to a test when required, failing to submit to a test when required, failing to report to the vendor’s service center for required appointments, tampering with the ignition interlock device or otherwise attempting to circumvent it, and driving a vehicle not equipped with an ignition interlock. Some of these violations may result in additional criminal charges. Remember, you must have no alcohol-related violations during your ignition interlock requirement. All violations will be reported to your ASAP case manager and may result in your return to court for noncompliance.
Can I change interlock vendors? Once you have selected a vendor, you will generally be required to use the same vendor for at least six months. Authorization to change vendors will only be granted if it can be shown that there was a problem with the service provided by the original vendor.
What if I have a complaint? If you experience any problems related to your device or service, you should first advise the vendor or your ASAP case manager. If your problem is not successfully resolved, you may contact the director of your assigned ASAP. The Commission on VASAP is available for you at (804)786-5895 if your problem is not resolved by one of the means referenced above.
The cost for RAASAP to monitor for this type of service is $50 per month and is separate from the monthly calibration cost to the interlock vendor.
Virginia Code 46.2-360 directs the local ASAP to complete a License Restoration Evaluation for court review when a DUI 3rd offender petitions the local court for restoration of driving privilege. The Rappahannock Area ASAP completes evaluations for persons petitioning King George, Caroline, Spotsylvania and Stafford counties, and Fredericksburg city.
The evaluation process includes:
1. The cost for the evaluation service is $225.00 due in money order made out to RAASAP or debit/credit card (with proper ID). The payment must be made prior to being scheduled for an appointment.
2. Please report to RAASAP with a copy of your restoration order from the court. You will be given an evaluation packet to complete before your interview appointment.
3. The interviews are conducted by appointment on Tuesday afternoons.
4. The investigative process for the completion of the evaluation takes sixty (60) days from the interview date. The court hearing must be set by you or your attorney with at least sixty (60) days from your interview appointment at the Rappahannock Area ASAP. Failure to allot enough time for the evaluation to be completed will result in RAASAP filing a request to the court to have your case continued to a later date.
5. Effective 8/1/2022, restoration petitioners must obtain their own copy of their Virginia State Police report and provide it to RAASAP for the evaluation. Petitioners can request a copy through this link: https://vspapps.vsp.virginia.gov/catspublic/public/publicHome.html
If you have further questions or you live out of the Commonwealth of Virginia contact the Rappahannock Area Alcohol Safety Action Program at 540-645-6310. Identify to the receptionist that you would like to speak to someone about a License Restoration Evaluation.
Listed below are some of the key (minimum) VASAP criteria considered to determine suitability for full or partial restoration:
Habitual Offender (old law) with two DWI convictions or Multiple Offender (new law) with 3 or more DWI convictions:
Habitual Offender (old law) with one DWI conviction:
Habitual offenders with no DWI convictions no longer have to undergo the evaluation process as of 7/1/2021. Offenders of this type can simply petition the Circuit Court where they live or work.
***NEW*** Effective 8/1/2022: RAASAP is no longer able to acquire background checks for restoration clients. They must be obtained by the client and they can be requested through this link.
Bethany Carrigan is the case manager for these cases. Her email is bcarrigan@raasap.com
If you are a resident of Fredericksburg City, Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania or Stafford counties and you have been convicted of a DUI or received a deferred disposition in another state or while on Federal property, the Rappahannock Area Alcohol Safety Action Program may be able to assist you with services. Rappahannock Area ASAP is the local certified VASAP office in your hometown.
The Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program (VASAP) is the Commonwealth’s program where all Virginia Driving Under the Influence offender’s are required to attend. Our probation services are outlined on the Home and Probation pages on this website.
To seek services for an out of state DUI or deferred judgment you may complete the application below with the following information and mail it to the Rappahannock Area ASAP office:
1) documentation of the conviction or charge you have had in the other state,
2) the requirements of the other state and
3) the agency and address of who to report to.
The cost of the program is $400 due in either money order or debit/credit cards are now accepted for the full balance owed. Email akline@raasap.com to begin the process.
Rappahannock Area Alcohol Safety Action Program (RAASAP) probation services include DUI, alcohol related reckless driving, probation before judgment, driving after consumption, misdemeanor drug/alcohol offenses, probation for DUI 3rd offenders restored to restricted driving privilege and out of state DUI convictions/deferred judgments.
Each participant referred to the Rappahannock Area ASAP is assessed, placed into an intervention program specific to their level of individual need, and monitored throughout participation. If at any time during the assigned probation monitoring a participant experiences continued problems with alcohol or drug abuse, reassessment and intervention for the problem is initiated for appropriate services.
An individual intake screening is important to determine the level of intervention needed to assist a participant in recognizing the substance abuse problem that has gotten them into trouble and to learn healthy behaviors to avoid future consequences. At the intake appointment, the participant watches a short orientation video that explains to them more about the ASAP program and what they can expect while involved in ASAP. Clients then meet on an individual basis with a case manager for an evaluation to set up their specific program. ASAP is not a cookie cutter program and consists of more than just attendance in a 5-week class. During their intake, a client is classified as either “Intensive Education” or “Treatment”. The Rappahannock Area ASAP is certified through the Commission on VASAP and adheres to the classification guidelines in screening all participants referred for probation service:
o Intensive Education - This program is intended for the first time offenders who exhibit problems with alcohol/drugs without appearing addicted or exhibiting addictive use patterns. This classification includes groups specifically focused to either alcohol or drugs but both groups address poly drug abuse. The program includes 10 hours of classroom education taught from a standardized, evidence based curriculum approved by the Commission on VASAP. The class meets once a week for five weeks.
o Treatment - This program is for the offenders with multiple DUI/drug offenses. It is also for those clients who exhibit tolerance to alcohol/drugs and serious problems related to abusive patterns of use. The program includes substance abuse treatment specific to the participants level of need (ie: detoxification, in-patient or inpatient therapy), 8 hours of classroom education taught from a standardized, evidence based curriculum approved by the Commission on VASAP, and regular attendance to a sobriety based community support group.
Classes are held once a week in two-hour sessions. Class times are 5PM and 7PM on weekdays and 8AM on Saturdays; availability of each class varies. Placement into class is discussed at the intake appointment with availability reviewed at that time.
Scheduled intake appointments are held weekday mornings from 8AM until 10:00AM or 12PM until 3PM. Call the Rappahannock Area ASAP office 540-645-6310 to schedule an intake appointment or to discuss availability of an intake appointment upon conviction.
The Code of Virginia actually suggests pre-enrollment in code section 18.2 – 271.1. It states that a client may “at any time prior to trial, enter into an alcohol safety action program in the judicial district in which such charge is brought”. However, a client may not pre-enroll if they have appealed their case.
Pre-enrollment allows a client to come in to ASAP on a volunteer basis since they have not actually been convicted yet. They will complete all paperwork and enroll just the same way as someone who has been convicted. Then, they will be assessed and begin their program. The clients are requested to notify their case manager when their court dates are and the outcome as well. At the individual’s request a progress report can be made available to the court on the trial date.
When a client enrolls prior to conviction, this reduces the time between the offense and the intervention. Sometimes, it can take months to get a conviction due to continuances and this just prolongs the amount of time that a client is without any intervention.
Another benefit to pre-enrollment is that the client is able to start working on their ASAP program and receiving services that are vital to their recovery. Every day wasted between the offense and the conviction date is time that the client could be working to complete ASAP. Since it is mandatory, why not start as soon as possible?
If you are interested in enrolling prior to your hearing date bring a copy of your warrant which reflects what you have been charged with and a $400 money order to the Rappahannock Area Alcohol Safety Action Program Office at 5444 Patriot Highway, Suite 100, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22407.
The Driver Improvement Clinic offered by Rappahannock Area ASAP is a National Safety Council (NSC) online course designed to provide individuals with the latest knowledge and skills necessary to operate a motor vehicle on the highways of this Commonwealth in a manner conducive to public safety. Whether one is a newly licensed driver, or one with many years of driving experience, he or she will benefit from the material presented in the course.
The Driver Improvement Program provides guidelines, as well as specific techniques, that will improve one’s driving abilities so that he or she will be able to better recognize and avoid most situations that lead to traffic accidents.
The online course is designed to be self-paced for your convenience according to your personal time and availability. Enrollees have 60 days to complete all the modules and NSC will report your completion directly to DMV.
To enroll, you must indicate your state of residence, the referring ASAP office and select the reason you are taking the course. Reasons to complete this course include:
Note: If you are under age 20, this computer-based driver improvement clinic will not satisfy a driver improvement clinic requirement. You must satisfactorily complete a clinic that provides classroom instruction.
National Safety Council is not responsible for drivers completing the incorrect program. After clicking New Student, please verify your information is correct on the registration screen before proceeding to take the course.
For all drivers required by the VA DMV to complete a driver improvement course, and those with a VA driver’s license completing the course to satisfy a Court order or on a voluntary basis, NSC will electronically submit your completion information to VA DMV and it will be posted to your driving record within 24 business hours of the completion date of the course. NSC will also notify your referring ASAP office, and even email you an official VA DMV certificate of completion, 24 business hours following your successful course completion.
Immediately upon completion, a National Safety Council (NSC) certificate will be available for you to download and/or print. The NSC certificate CANNOT be used for official VA DMV purposes. (You will receive your DMV certificate by email, as noted above.) The NSC certificate may be used for ASAP and RADEP purposes, or as proof of completion for court-required drivers with licenses issued by a state other than Virginia, only.
In the state of Virginia, many students are required to turn in a certificate to the court and may have to appear in court. It is your responsibility to determine if your court accepts this online driver improvement course to satisfy a court-required driver improvement course. Customers directed by the Court must provide documentation from the court before safe driving points can be awarded. Contact the DMV if you have questions. The DMV standardized certificate, “Online Driver Improvement Clinic Certificate of Completion (DIC 552B)” is the only document that will be accepted by the Department and the Courts as proof of completion of an online driver improvement course. If the certificate is presented to DMV, it must be printed on 8½” x 11” plain white bonded paper. DMV will not accept certificates printed on color or special designed paper or paper with any form of advertisement on the front or back of the certificate. DMV will not accept any certificates that have been altered in any way.
DMV is committed to promoting transportation safety through the certification of quality driver training programs. If you have comments or concerns about this course, call our toll-free number: 1-877-885-5790.
Additional Course Information:
The online driver improvement clinic course delivers content based on an eight-hour course, including the final test, and is designed to rehabilitate problem drivers. The course must be completed in its entirety prior to the issuance of a certificate of completion. To benefit from the course, you must be able to work independently and be comfortable with using a computer. Student identification will be verified throughout training and prior to taking the final test to ensure that the person taking the course is the same person taking the final test.
Visit https://www.drivesafe.com/vasap/ to get started!
In the Clinic List drop down menu, be sure to select "Rappahannock Area ASAP"
The cost of the course is $100
For clients who are not court ordered into VASAP, you can report to the RAASAP office on Monday mornings at 8:30 AM. The first 5 people are seen to review their application for services. You must bring a recent Virginia DMV compliance summary that is dated no later than 30 days prior. You do not need to come to RAASAP if you do not live in our area. If you are enrolling administratively, you can go to the ASAP office closest to you. RAASAP services people that live in Caroline, Fredericksburg, King George, Spotsylvania, and Stafford. Out of state applicants need to submit their compliance summary and the application for services (link for the form is listed below) to akline@raasap.com. Please DO NOT submit the same application more than once. Administrative cases are required to pay all fees up front and there is not a payment plan option.
Clients or future clients who are court ordered, have petitioned for license restoration as a multiple offender,
or are trying to pre-enroll do not need to submit an application.
Those clients are required to enroll in person at our office unless you reside outside of our jurisdiction.
VASAP Ignition Interlock Agreement and Enrollment Form
(Interlock Only clients must also submit a RAASAP Application for Services form above BEFORE submitting this form)
The most current list of Interlock Facilities around the Commonwealth of Virginia
Various files of interest to the RAASAP community
Alicia is the RAASAP Director and she handles RAASAP Operations, DMV Applications, and Outreach. Email is preferred, and her email is akline@raasap.com.
Direct line: (540) 940-6443
Kevin is the RAASAP Senior Case Manager, and he manages King George County, License Restorations, Restored Offenders, and transfer cases. He can be reached at option 3 on the main line, and his email is kjohnson@raasap.com
Direct: (540) 940-6449
Angelina Bragg is the Case Manager for Alexandria and Spotsylvania cases. She also handles class management. She can be reached at option 5 on the main line, and her email is abragg@raasap.com
Direct: (540) 940-6459
Bethany is the Case Manager for Stafford County and Multiple Offenders in need of license restoration. She can be reached at option 6 on the main line, and her email is bcarrigan@raasap.com
Direct: (540) 940-6448
Abby is the Case Manager for Fredericksburg cases, and she also conducts intake/enrollment interviews. She can be reached by email at acook@raasap.com
Direct: (540) 940-6454
Faith is the Case Manager for Caroline County and administrative ignition interlock cases. She also conducts intake/enrollment interviews. If you are enrolled for interlock only and have questions regarding your case, she can be reached by email at fmastin@raasap.com
Direct: 540-940-6419
Kylie is the case manager assistant for RAASAP staff. She assists all case managers with duties and is at the front office to answer questions regarding our program. She can be reached by email at kaultman@raasap.com
Main line: 540-645-6310
Jeremie Childress (Chairperson)
Taylor Calhoun (Vice Chairperson)
Captain Lee Peters (Treasurer)
Travis Bird (Secretary)
Keri Gusman
Judge J. Bruce Strickland
Stephanie Fitzgerald
While most RAASAP information is protected under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, and The Privacy Act of 1974, the RAASAP Director is the designated FOIA Officer for RAASAP. Please direct all FOIA requests to the contact information above.